

International companies seeking to introduce their products to the fastest-growing middle class in the world are often overwhelmed by the process of doing exhibitions in China.  Illuminate International is an exhibition company that specializes in providing high-quality dependable exhibit and design services in Asia.  It has over 25 years experience in the North American and European exhibition market and, with staff located in Shanghai, can ensure that the design and construction of exhibits will meet up to international standards by means of on-site quality assurance before the exhibition and on-site service during the event.

Our company provides bilingual speakers who can communicate clearly with venues and help to make sure that your brand is presented in a way that best speaks culturally to the Asian market.  Illuminate International also specializes in sourcing high-quality products for exhibition companies direct from factories in Asia.  Chinese companies that exhibit internationally can use Illuminate’s services to present themselves to the European and North American markets on the same level as their Western competitors.  

Exhibiting in Asia can provide powerful opportunities for the growth of your brand.  Illuminate International finally provides a simple approach to exhibiting in the centre of one of the greatest growth opportunities in history.